👧 The birth of anya

🥜 Start with a peanut

👧 The birth of anya


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In the whimsical world of "Spy × Family", we have the adorable Anya Forger (アーニャ・フォージャー, Ānya Fōjā), who, according to a hilarious meme, might have sprouted from a peanut! Now, why a peanut, you ask? Well, it's no secret that this little spy-in-training has a soft spot for these crunchy treats. And let's be real, with her iconic "friendly smile," she's practically radiating those warm, nutty vibes!

Anya, with her big, expressive eyes and that signature grin, popping out of a peanut shell like a tiny, mischievous sprout. It's as if the peanut, charmed by her love for it, decided to gift the world with this little bundle of joy. And let's not forget, in the world of espionage and secret identities, what's more fitting than being born from a snack that's as unassuming as it is beloved?

So, next time you see Anya flashing her "friendly smile," remember, she might just be giving a subtle nod to her humble, peanutty origins!


Anya Forger (アーニャ・フォージャー, Ānya Fōjā)

Anya Forger is a young, orphaned girl with the unique ability to read minds. She was adopted by Loid Forger as part of a secret operation known as Operation Strix. Despite her young age, Anya is very innocent and somewhat naive about the world around her. She is aware of her adoptive family's true identities thanks to her mind-reading powers, but she keeps this information to herself for fear of being abandoned.

Anya attends Eden Academy, where she tries to befriend Damian Desmond to aid her father's mission. However, an altercation on orientation day leads to her being shunned by her classmates, except for her friend Becky Blackbell. Anya is oblivious to Damian's feelings towards her but continues to try to make friends with him as per her father's wishes.

Originally known as "Subject 007," Anya was a test subject in experiments before being adopted by the Forgers. Her past is largely unknown, except for her name and the fact that she was returned to orphanages by several families. Anya's mind-reading ability is powerful, but it has limitations, such as not working during a new moon or on multiple people at once. She struggles with studying due to past trauma but shows talent in Classic Literature. Anya is also noted for her flexibility, quick thinking, and bravery, often going out of her way to help others despite personal risk.


"Spy × Family" is an intriguing series that revolves around the character Loid Forger, also known as "Twilight," a spy from Westalis. He's tasked with a crucial mission to maintain peace between the rival nations of Westalis and Ostania by getting close to Donovan Desmond, the leader of Ostania's National Unity Party. Desmond is reclusive, so Twilight's best chance to approach him is through his children's private school. To blend in, Twilight creates a fake family, adopting a young orphan girl named Anya and marrying a woman named Yor Briar. However, there are twists he's unaware of: Anya can read minds, and Yor is a professional assassin. Neither Loid nor Yor knows the other's true identity or Anya's special ability. The family dynamics become even more complicated when they adopt a dog named Bond, who has precognitive abilities. Despite his expertise as a spy, Twilight faces challenges in his new role as a father and husband, all while trying to fulfill his mission to keep the peace between the two nations. The story combines elements of espionage, family life, and humor, making it a unique and engaging series.


This meme is a work published on X (Twitter) by the author @_tatsuyaendo_ of the comic "Spy × Family".